Rijndael and Serpent Chip Photos



The following two chips were fabricated for two student semester thesis. They implement two AES finalist algorithms, Rijndael and Serpent. Both designs can encrypt and decrypt at 2 Gbit/s ECB modus, occupy 49 sqmm silicon area (one corner is 7 mm in both cases) in 0.6 um AMS technology and consist of roughly 300,000 transistors. They work at around 100 MHz, and have been both tested.

Hans-Peter Mathys made both pictures using micro spots, and I think they look gorgeous. click on the pictures for larger versions (roughly 1000 x 1000). The originals are 5000x5000, mail me for a copy.

Rijndael, this algorithm has become the AES standard
this is by the way the chip that functioned after microsurgery

Serpent, this was the runner-up in the AES selection.

27 Dec 2002