-- Copyright: 2010 Integrated Sytems Laboratory, ETH Zurich
--            http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~sha3
use std.textio.all;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;  -- read and write overloaded for std_logic
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.simulstuff.all;
use work.jhtbpkg.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;


entity jhtb is
  -- a testbench does not connect to any higher level of hierarchy
end jhtb;


architecture behavioral of jhtb is

component jh is

  port (
    ClkxCI     : in  std_logic;
    RstxRBI    : in  std_logic;
    EnxEI      : in  std_logic;
    OutputEnxSO: out std_logic;
    MsgInxDI   : in  std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
    HashOutxDO : out std_logic_vector(255 downto 0));
  end component;

  file exprespfile  : text open read_mode is EXPRESP_FILENAME;
  signal VALIDOUTxS : std_logic;

  mutinst : jh
    port map (
      CLKxCI   => CLKxC,
      RSTxRBI  => StimuliRecxD.RSTxRB,
      EnxEI   =>  StimuliRecxD.VALIDINxS,
      OutputEnxSO => VALIDOUTxS,
      MsgInxDI     => StimuliRecxD.MsgInxD,
      HashOutxDO     => ActResponseRecxD.HashOutxD

--  ExpResPickup : process
--    variable ResponsexD : responseRecordType;
--  begin

--    PickupLoop : loop  
--      wait until (CLKxC'event and CLKxC = '1') or EndOfSimxS = true;

--      -- leave the loop if there are no more stimuli left
--      exit PickupLoop when EndOfSimxS = true;

--      if VALIDOUTxS = '1' then
--        -- update expected response from file
--        ResponsexD := GetExpectedResponseRecord(exprespfile);
--        ExpResponseRecxD.HxD ResponsexD.HxD;
--      end if;
--   end loop PickupLoop;

--    file_close(exprespfile);  -- close the file
--    wait;
--  end process ExpResPickup;

   ClkGen : ClockGenerator(
     ClkxC        => CLKxC,	       

    -- obtain stimuli and apply it to MUT
  StimAppli : process
    AppliLoop : while not (endfile(stimulifile)) loop
      wait until CLKxC'event and CLKxC = '1';
      -- wait until time has come for stimulus application
      -- apply stimulus to MUT
      StimuliRecxD <= GetStimuliRecord(stimulifile);      
    end loop AppliLoop;
    -- tell clock generator to stop at the end of current cycle
    -- because stimuli have been exhausted
    EndOfSimxS <= true;
    -- close the file
  end process StimAppli;

    -- acquire actual response from MUT and have it checked
  RespAcqui : process
    -- variables for accounting of mismatching responses
    variable respmatch : respMatchArray;
    variable respaccount : respaccounttype := (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    -- variable for counting the lines written to the simulation report
    variable simRepLineCount : natural := 0;

    variable ResponsexD : responseRecordType;

    -- This wait statement is only useful if the stimuli file is empty. In that case
    -- EndOfSimxS gets true after one delta delay. Without that wait statement
    -- the following exit statement would be executed before EndOfSimxS gets true.
    wait until CLKxC'event and CLKxC = '0';

    ResponsexD := GetExpectedResponseRecord(exprespfile);
    ExpResponseRecxD.HashOutxD <= ResponsexD.HashOutxD;
    AcquiLoop : loop
      -- leave the loop if there are no more stimuli left
      exit AcquiLoop when EndOfSimxS = true;
      wait until CLKxC'event and CLKxC = '1';

      -- wait until time has come for response acquisition

        if VALIDOUTxS = '1'  then
          ResponsexD := GetExpectedResponseRecord(exprespfile);
          ExpResponseRecxD.HashOutxD <= ResponsexD.HashOutxD;
          -- compare the actual with the expected responses
          CheckResponse(ActResponseRecxD, ExpResponseRecxD,
                       respmatch, respaccount);
          -- add a trace line to report file
          PutSimulationReportTrace(simreptfile, StimuliRecxD, ActResponseRecxD,
                                   respmatch, respaccount, simRepLineCount);
          -- add extra failure message to report file if necessary
          PutSimulationReportFailure(simreptfile, ExpResponseRecxD, respmatch);
        end if;

    end loop AcquiLoop;

    -- when the present clock cycle is the final one of this run
    -- then establish a simulation report summary and write it to file
    PutSimulationReportSummary(simreptfile, respaccount);
    -- close the file
    report "Simulation run completed!";
  end process RespAcqui;
end architecture behavioral;

Generated on Fri Sep 24 10:39:12 CEST 2010