## Copyright: 2011 Integrated Sytems Laboratory, ETH Zurich
##            http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~sha3
#  power grid creation
# v1.2 -  - Mon Sep 19 16:00:23 CEST 2011
#  - swap addStripe
# v1.2 -  - Mon Sep 19 10:09:02 CEST 2011
#  - increased the spacing around the cores
# v1.1 -  - Fri Sep 16 18:20:23 CEST 201
#  - added small rings around all four sides of the RAMs
# v1.0  - bm - Tue Sep 13 10:46:04 CEST 2011
#  - source shabziger_globalnet.tcl
# v0.1  - bm - Mon Aug  8 14:28:53 CEST 2011
#  - copy from umcL130 v0.4 and mod

## Strong recommended Floorplan sizes
#    floorPlan -site CORE -d 1875 1875 60 60 60 60

## let us start with a cleanup

## just to be safe 
source scripts/shabziger_globalnet.tcl

## standard cell and routing information settings
set cellHeight  1.8
set routGrid    0.2

## Ring settings
set pgr1LayerH ME1
set pgr1LayerV ME2
set pgr2LayerH ME3
set pgr2LayerV ME4
set pgr3LayerH ME5
set pgr3LayerV ME6
set pgr4LayerH ME7
set pgr4LayerV ME8

set pgrSpacing 2
set pgrWidth 12
set pgrOffset 2

set pgrNet "$rda_Input(ui_gndnet) $rda_Input(ui_pwrnet) $rda_Input(ui_gndnet) $rda_Input(ui_pwrnet)"

##  Grid settings for UMC65
set grLayerH $pgr4LayerH
set grLayerV $pgr4LayerV

#set grWidthX [expr $routGrid * 10]
set grWidthX [expr $routGrid * 30]
set grWidthY [expr $routGrid * 3]

set grSpacingX  [expr $grWidthX * 4   - $grWidthX]
set grSpacingY  [expr $routGrid * 26 - $grWidthY]
set grDistanceX [expr $grWidthX   * 8]
set grDistanceY [expr $cellHeight * 6]

#set grOffsetX  [expr $grWidthX * 1.5 + (0.5 * $routGrid)]
set grOffsetX  [expr 23 + (0.5 * $routGrid)]
set grOffsetY  [expr $cellHeight - $grWidthY/2]

set grNet "$rda_Input(ui_gndnet) $rda_Input(ui_pwrnet)"

## Core Rings creation and connection at all levels 
addRing -spacing_top $pgrSpacing -spacing_bottom $pgrSpacing -spacing_right $pgrSpacing -spacing_left $pgrSpacing \
        -width_top $pgrWidth -width_bottom $pgrWidth -width_right $pgrWidth -width_left $pgrWidth \
        -offset_top $pgrOffset -offset_bottom $pgrOffset -offset_right $pgrOffset -offset_left $pgrOffset \
        -layer_top $pgr1LayerH -layer_bottom $pgr1LayerH -layer_right $pgr1LayerV -layer_left $pgr1LayerV \
        -stacked_via_top_layer metal8 -stacked_via_bottom_layer metal1 \
        -around core -follow core -use_wire_group 1 \
        -nets $pgrNet
addRing -spacing_top $pgrSpacing -spacing_bottom $pgrSpacing -spacing_right $pgrSpacing -spacing_left $pgrSpacing \
        -width_top $pgrWidth -width_bottom $pgrWidth -width_right $pgrWidth -width_left $pgrWidth \
        -offset_top $pgrOffset -offset_bottom $pgrOffset -offset_right $pgrOffset -offset_left $pgrOffset \
        -layer_top $pgr2LayerH -layer_bottom $pgr2LayerH -layer_right $pgr2LayerV -layer_left $pgr2LayerV \
        -stacked_via_top_layer metal8 -stacked_via_bottom_layer metal1 \
        -around core -follow core -use_wire_group 1 \
        -nets $pgrNet
addRing -spacing_top $pgrSpacing -spacing_bottom $pgrSpacing -spacing_right $pgrSpacing -spacing_left $pgrSpacing \
        -width_top $pgrWidth -width_bottom $pgrWidth -width_right $pgrWidth -width_left $pgrWidth \
        -offset_top $pgrOffset -offset_bottom $pgrOffset -offset_right $pgrOffset -offset_left $pgrOffset \
        -layer_top $pgr3LayerH -layer_bottom $pgr3LayerH -layer_right $pgr3LayerV -layer_left $pgr3LayerV \
        -stacked_via_top_layer metal8 -stacked_via_bottom_layer metal1 \
        -around core -follow core -use_wire_group 1 \
        -nets $pgrNet
addRing -spacing_top $pgrSpacing -spacing_bottom $pgrSpacing -spacing_right $pgrSpacing -spacing_left $pgrSpacing \
        -width_top $pgrWidth -width_bottom $pgrWidth -width_right $pgrWidth -width_left $pgrWidth \
        -offset_top $pgrOffset -offset_bottom $pgrOffset -offset_right $pgrOffset -offset_left $pgrOffset \
        -layer_top $pgr4LayerH -layer_bottom $pgr4LayerH -layer_right $pgr4LayerV -layer_left $pgr4LayerV \
        -stacked_via_top_layer metal8 -stacked_via_bottom_layer metal1 \
        -around core -follow core -use_wire_group 1 \
        -nets $pgrNet

## for the RAMS
set corepgrSpacing 2
set corepgrWidth 3
set corepgrOffset 1

selectInst top/i_RAM3
addRing  -spacing_top $corepgrSpacing -spacing_bottom $corepgrSpacing -spacing_right $corepgrSpacing -spacing_left $corepgrSpacing \
         -width_top $corepgrWidth     -width_bottom $corepgrWidth     -width_right $corepgrWidth     -width_left $corepgrWidth   \
         -offset_top $corepgrOffset   -offset_bottom $corepgrOffset   -offset_right $corepgrOffset   -offset_left $corepgrOffset \
         -layer_top ME1  -layer_bottom ME1  -layer_right ME2  -layer_left ME2 \
         -stacked_via_top_layer ME8 -stacked_via_bottom_layer ME1 \
         -bl 1 -rt 1 \
         -around selected -jog_distance 0.1 -threshold 0.1 -type block_rings \
         -use_wire_group 1 -nets $grNet

selectInst top/i_RAM2
addRing  -spacing_top $corepgrSpacing -spacing_bottom $corepgrSpacing -spacing_right $corepgrSpacing -spacing_left $corepgrSpacing \
         -width_top $corepgrWidth     -width_bottom $corepgrWidth     -width_right $corepgrWidth     -width_left $corepgrWidth   \
         -offset_top $corepgrOffset   -offset_bottom $corepgrOffset   -offset_right $corepgrOffset   -offset_left $corepgrOffset \
         -layer_top ME1  -layer_bottom ME1  -layer_right ME2  -layer_left ME2 \
         -stacked_via_top_layer ME8 -stacked_via_bottom_layer ME1 \
         -br 1 -lt 1 \
         -around selected -jog_distance 0.1 -threshold 0.1 -type block_rings \
         -use_wire_group 1 -nets $grNet

selectInst top/i_RAM1
addRing  -spacing_top $corepgrSpacing -spacing_bottom $corepgrSpacing -spacing_right $corepgrSpacing -spacing_left $corepgrSpacing \
         -width_top $corepgrWidth     -width_bottom $corepgrWidth     -width_right $corepgrWidth     -width_left $corepgrWidth   \
         -offset_top $corepgrOffset   -offset_bottom $corepgrOffset   -offset_right $corepgrOffset   -offset_left $corepgrOffset \
         -layer_top ME1  -layer_bottom ME1  -layer_right ME2  -layer_left ME2 \
         -stacked_via_top_layer ME8 -stacked_via_bottom_layer ME1 \
         -rt 1 -lt 1 \
         -around selected -jog_distance 0.1 -threshold 0.1 -type block_rings \
         -use_wire_group 1 -nets $grNet

# connect power pads to power rings
sroute -connect { padPin }  -padPinPortConnect  { allPort preferLayer } -padPinLayerRange [list $pgr1LayerV $pgr3LayerV ] \
	-allowJogging 1 -allowLayerChange 1 -targetViaTopLayer $pgr3LayerV -crossoverViaTopLayer $pgr3LayerV
sroute -connect { padPin }  -padPinPortConnect  { allPort preferLayer } -padPinLayerRange [list $pgr4LayerH $pgr4LayerV ] \
	-allowJogging 0 -allowLayerChange 1

## Grid creation and connection
setAddStripeMode -trim_antenna_back_to_shape stripe
#setAddStripeMode -detailed_log true
addStripe -set_to_set_distance $grDistanceY -ybottom_offset $grOffsetY -spacing $grSpacingY  -width $grWidthY \
        -allow_jog_padcore_ring 0 -same_layer_target_only 1 -max_same_layer_jog_length 4 \
        -direction horizontal -layer $grLayerH -padcore_ring_bottom_layer_limit ME6 \
        -nets $grNet
addStripe -set_to_set_distance $grDistanceX -spacing $grSpacingX -xleft_offset $grOffsetX -width $grWidthX \
        -allow_jog_padcore_ring 0 -same_layer_target_only 1 -max_same_layer_jog_length 4 \
        -layer $grLayerV  \
        -nets $grNet

# connect macros
# names on the LEF are different 
globalNetConnect VDD -type pgpin -pin VCC -inst i_RAM*
globalNetConnect VSS -type pgpin -pin GND -inst i_RAM*

# does not connect at the moment ?? 
sroute -connect { blockPin } -blockPinRouteWithPinWidth  \
	-blockPin { all } -nets $grNet

# connect std cells
sroute -connect { corePin } \
	-allowLayerChange 1  \
	-targetPenetration { stripe 90 } 

Generated on Tue Nov 22 15:16:34 CET 2011