#! /usr/sepp/bin/perl -w

## Copyright: 2011 Integrated Sytems Laboratory, ETH Zurich
##            http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~sha3

use strict;

# v0.2 - kgf@ee.ethz.ch - Thu Sep 22 08:21:54 CEST 2011
# - added a small hack to make the results uppercase, needed for postlayout
# v0.1 - kgf@ee.ethz.ch - Mon Aug 29 16:10:41 CEST 2011
# - This file will parse the list.lst file generated by modelsim
#   and generate the 

my $LIST_FILE="list.lst";
my @inputs;
my @outputs;
my @algs;

my $APPTIME=5;
my $PERIOD=20;

my $last_input_alg;
my @final_block; 

my %names= ( "blake"   => "Jean-Philippe Aumasson",
             "groestl" => "Groestl Team",
             "jh"      => "Hongjun Wu",
             "keccak"  => "Keccak Team",
             "sha2"    => "NIST",
             "skein"   => "Bruce Schneier");

                  0 => "ethz_sha2",
                  1 => "ethz_blake",
                  2 => "ethz_groestl",
                  3 => "ethz_jh",
                  4 => "ethz_keccak",
                  5 => "ethz_skein",
                  8 => "gmu_sha2",
                  9 => "gmu_blake",
                  10=> "gmu_groestl",
                  11=> "gmu_jh",
                  12=> "gmu_keccak",
                  13=> "gmu_skein"
# we need to truncate part of the output if this is the final block 
# in effect undo the padding
my %LAST_BLOCK = (
                  0 => 108,
                  1 => 108,
                  2 => 108,
                  3 => 0,
                  4 => 268,
                  5 => 128,
                  8 => 108,
                  9 => 108,
                  10=> 108,
                  11=> 0,
                  12=> 268,
                  13=> 128
print "\n\n";
print "Reading [$LIST_FILE] \n";

open (L, "< $LIST_FILE") or die "Can not open $LIST_FILE for reading\n";

my $icnt=0;
my $ocnt=0;
my $totaltime=0;
my %duration;
my $lasttime=$RESETTIME + 10;  # delay for respacqtime

# the first line contains the time unit. If it is ps multiply the time 
# constants by 1000
my $line =L; # read the first line
if ($line=~/^\s*ps\s+/){
  $PERIOD=$PERIOD * 1000;

while (L){
  next unless (m/^\s*\d/);  # skip lines that don't start with anumber
  $_=uc($_);                # make sure results are uppercase
  (my $time, my $alg, my $we, my $fin, my $oe, my $pen, my $i, my $o) = split;
  if (($oe eq '1') and ($final_block[$ocnt] eq '1')){
     if ($alg ne  $last_input_alg){
       print "Current algorithm [$alg] does not match algorithm when last block started [$last_input_alg]\n";
     $ocnt=$ocnt+1;       # increase the count
  if ($we eq '1'){
      # we are writing new block 
      # update the counters
      my $cycles = ($time-$lasttime) / $PERIOD;
      $lasttime= $time;

     ## truncate if not keccak
     unless (($alg eq "4") or ($alg eq "12")){
     if ($fin eq '1'){   # we are in the last block 
         $last_input_alg = $alg;
         $final_block[$icnt] = 1;
         # get rid of the padding for the last block
         my $len= $LAST_BLOCK{$alg};
         $i = $1;
     my $old = (exists $inputs[$icnt]) ? $inputs[$icnt] : "";
     my $new = $old.$i;
     $inputs[$icnt] = $new;
     if ($fin eq '1') { $icnt= $icnt + 1}; # increment counter we are finished

$totaltime = ($totaltime - $RESETTIME - $APPTIME) / $PERIOD;

## this is an example stimuli generation
## assumes the that the algorithms stays constant 
## modify later 

my $alg = $ALGORITHM{$algs[0]};

my $STIMULI="stimuli.txt";
my $EXPRESP="expresp.txt";
print "Generating [$STIMULI] file for ETHZ_KAT\n";
open (S, "> $STIMULI") or die "Can not write to $STIMULI";
(my $short_alg = $alg) =~s/(ethz|gmu)_//;

print S <<"BUGU";
# stimuli.txt 
# Algorithm Name: $short_alg
# Principal Submitter: $names{${short_alg}}


## importnat, we skip the first output, it is a dummy. 
## that is why the loop is from 1..$#outputs
for my $i (1.. $#outputs){
 my $len = length($inputs[$i]) * 4;
 print S "Len = $len\n";
 print S "Msg = $inputs[$i]\n";
 print S "MD = ??\n\n";


## now run
my $exec = "../../$alg/simvectors/ETHZ_KAT";
print "Running [$exec]\n";

## now we can read the expresp file and compare the results
print "Reading [$EXPRESP] file \n";
open (E, "< $EXPRESP") or die "Can not open $EXPRESP\n";

my $cnt=1;  # we will skip the first output as it is a dummy
my $err=0;
while (E){
  if (m/MD = (\S+)/){
    my $res= $1;
    if ($res ne $outputs[$cnt]){
     print "\n";
     print "ERROR: output #",$cnt," does not match\n";  # we skipped the first guy
     print "  Expected: [$res]\n";
     print "  Received: [$outputs[$cnt]]\n\n";
    $cnt ++;
close (E);

## determine the most common block length
my $maxduration=0;
my $maxcount=0;
foreach my $d (keys %duration){
   if ($duration{$d} > $maxduration){
     $maxduration = $duration{$d};
     $maxcount = $d;

print '-' x 78,"\n";
print "RESULT for $alg: checked $cnt vectors - ";
if ($err eq 0) {
 print "ALL RESULTS MATCH - $maxcount cycles per block \n";
 print "Encountered $err errors\n";

print "\n\n";

Generated on Tue Nov 22 15:16:34 CET 2011