-- Copyright: 2011 Integrated Sytems Laboratory, ETH Zurich
--            http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~sha3
-- Title      : The top level file of shabziger
-- Project    : Shabziger
-- File       : shabziger.vhd
-- Author     : Frank K. Guerkaynak  
-- Company    : Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH Zurich
-- Created    : 2011-08-24
-- Last update: 2011-09-23
-- Platform   : ModelSim (simulation), Synopsys (synthesis)
-- Standard   : VHDL'87
-- Description: This combines all the blocks 
-- Copyright (c) 2011 Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH Zurich
-- Revisions  :
-- Date        Version  Author  Description
-- 2011-08-24  1.0      kgf	Created
-- 2011-09-14  1.1      kgf     RAMs also get gated clocks
-- 2011-09-15  2.0      kgf     New inputblock now we have four input registers
-- 2011-09-21  2.1      kgf     Added a FF to store the value of the
--                              FinBlockxSI from the inputblock so that it is stored
-- 2011-09-23  2.2      kgf     Undid the above change We will extract the
--                              FinblockxS inanother way

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.shabzigerpkg.all;

-- the following is to make sure that vsim loads the library
-- synopsys does not have a library, it reads individual db files
-- synopsys translate_off
library fse0k_a_memaker;
-- synopsys translate_on

entity shabziger is
  port (
    AlgSelxSI      : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    OutSelxSI      : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    DataOutxDO     : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    FinBlockxSI    : in  std_logic;     -- additional Scan data in 
--  ReservedxDIO   : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- still 3 pins
    OutWrEnxSO     : out std_logic;  -- tells that a new output is available
                                     -- multiplexed to CoreScanOutxTO
    InWrEnxSO      : out std_logic;  -- for monitoring purposes
                                     -- multiplexed to FuncScanOutxTO
    PenUltCyclexSO : out std_logic;     -- additional Scan Data out
--  Memory
    MemWrEnxSBI    : in  std_logic;     -- 1: MemWrite 0: MemRead
-- Pad Control used for the chip level not connected here
    PadOutEnxSI    : in  std_logic;     -- test for the pads
    PadDrive1xSI   : in  std_logic;     -- Pin for pad drive
    PadDrive2xSI   : in  std_logic;     -- Pin for pad drive
    PadSlewxSI     : in  std_logic;     -- Slew rate control for the pads
-- Scan 
    FuncScanEnxTI  : in  std_logic;     -- Scan enable 
    FuncScanInxTI  : in  std_logic;  -- Scan path through LFSR, input register
--    FuncScanOutxTO : out std_logic;     -- and output register
    CoreScanEnxTI  : in  std_logic;     -- scan enable for the cores 
    CoreScanInxTI  : in  std_logic;     -- signal for scan testing of
--    CoreScanOutxTO : out std_logic;     -- individual cores
-- Standard
    ClkxCI         : in  std_logic;
    ClkDxCI        : in  std_logic;     -- Second (delayed) clock for XOR
    RstxRBI        : in  std_logic
end shabziger;

architecture rtl of shabziger is

-- Components

  component inputblock
    port (
      AlgSelxSI           : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      ClkxCI              : in  std_logic;
      RstxRBI             : in  std_logic;
      FinBlockxSI         : in  std_logic;
      BlockPenUltCyclexSI : in  std_logic;
      BlockInWrEnxSO      : out std_logic;
      BlockFinBlockxSO    : out std_logic;
      FuncScanEnxTI       : in  std_logic;
      FuncScanInxTI       : in  std_logic;
      FuncScanOutxTO      : out std_logic;
      MsgLenxDO           : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
      DataOutxDO          : out std_logic_vector(1087 downto 0);
      Data2OutxDO         : out std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
      Data3OutxDO         : out std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
      Data4OutxDO         : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0));
  end component;
  component clockgate
    port (
      ClkInxCI  : in  std_logic;
      EnxSI     : in  std_logic;
      ClkOutxCO : out std_logic);
  end component;

  component sha_xor
    port (
      AxDI : in  std_logic;
      BxDI : in  std_logic;
      ZxDO : out std_logic);
  end component;

-- internal clock
signal ClkxC : std_logic;

-- signals for interconnection
type   outdatatype is array (0 to 15) of std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
--type   indatatype is array (0 to 15) of std_logic_vector(1087 downto 0);
type   msglentype is array (0 to 15) of std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);

-- connection from the input register
signal InxD                     : std_logic_vector(1087 downto 0);
signal In2xD                    : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
signal In3xD                    : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
signal In4xD                    : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
signal MsgLenxD                 : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
signal InWrEnxS                 : std_logic;
signal FinBlockxS               : std_logic;

-- signals that connect all the cores
signal CoreOutxD    : outdatatype;
signal CoreMsgLenxD : msglentype;

--signal CoreInxD     : indatatype;
-- these are now written out separately
signal Core0InxD  : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);   -- ETHZ-SHA2
signal Core1InxD  : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);   -- ETHZ-BLAKE
signal Core2InxD  : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);   -- ETHZ-GROESTL
signal Core3InxD  : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);   -- ETHZ-JH
signal Core4InxD  : std_logic_vector(1087 downto 0);  -- ETHZ-KECCAK
signal Core5InxD  : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);   -- ETHZ-SKEIN
signal Core6InxD  : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);    -- RAM1
signal Core7InxD  : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);    -- RAM2
signal Core8InxD  : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);   -- GMU-SHA2
signal Core9InxD  : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);   -- GMU-BLAKE
signal Core10InxD : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);   -- GMU-GROESTL
signal Core11InxD : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);   -- GMU-JH
signal Core12InxD : std_logic_vector(1087 downto 0);  -- GMU-KECCAK
signal Core13InxD : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);   -- GMU-SKEIN
signal Core14InxD : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);    -- RAM3
signal Core15InxD : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);    -- DUMMY
-- control signals that connect to all cores
signal CoreInWrEnxS      : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal CoreOutWrEnxS     : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal CorePenUltCyclexS : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal CoreFinBlockxS    : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal CoreClkEnxS       : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal CoreClkxC         : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-- for input silencing
constant ALLZEROES : std_logic_vector(1087 downto 0) := (others => '0');  
signal OutRegxDN,      OutRegxDP,      SelOutxD         : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
signal OutWrEnxSN,     OutWrEnxSP,     SelOutWrEnxS     : std_logic;
signal InWrEnxSN,      InWrEnxSP,      SelInWrEnxS      : std_logic;
signal PenUltCyclexSN, PenUltCyclexSP, SelPenUltCyclexS : std_logic;

signal InBlockScanOutxT : std_logic;    -- Stitching  the scan chain manually
signal CoreScanInxT     : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal CoreScanOutxT    : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

signal IntAlgSelxS      : integer range 0 to 15;
-- signals for weirdness of connections
signal ETHZBlakeMsgLenxD : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);  -- Blake length is
                                                           -- f*cked up
-- Signals and Constants for RAM Instantiations 
constant DVSxD                  : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";  -- RAM needs this
constant OnexD                  : std_logic                    := '1';
constant ZeroxD                 : std_logic                    := '0';
signal RAM1InxD, RAM1OutxD : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  
signal RAM2InxD, RAM2OutxD : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  
signal RAM3InxD, RAM3OutxD : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  
begin  -- rtl

-- XOR'ed clock, used to increase the frequency of the clock beyond what can
-- go through the pads
  i_clkxor: sha_xor
    port map (
      AxDI => ClkxCI,                   -- Main clock input
      BxDI => ClkDxCI,                  -- delayed clock for XOR'ed clock
      ZxDO => ClkxC);                   -- ClkxC will be the internal clock
-- The input block
  i_inputblock : inputblock
    port map (
      AlgSelxSI           => AlgSelxSI,
      ClkxCI              => ClkxC,
      RstxRBI             => RstxRBI,
      FinBlockxSI         => FinBlockxSI,
      BlockPenUltCyclexSI => SelPenUltCyclexS,
      BlockInWrEnxSO      => InWrEnxS,
      BlockFinBlockxSO    => FinBlockxS,
      FuncScanEnxTI       => FuncScanEnxTI,
      FuncScanInxTI       => FuncScanInxTI,
      FuncScanOutxTO      => InBlockScanOutxT,
      MsgLenxDO           => MsgLenxD,
      DataOutxDO          => InxD,
      Data2OutxDO         => In2xD,
      Data3OutxDO         => In3xD,
      Data4OutxDO         => In4xD);

-- Helpful signals

  IntAlgSelxS <= to_integer(unsigned(AlgSelxSI));  -- makes life easier

-- Generate Silenced input signals from the in block to cores
  p_silence : process (MsgLenxD, IntAlgSelxS, InWrEnxS, FinBlockxS,
                       CoreScanInxTI, FuncScanEnxTI, CoreScanEnxTI)
  begin  -- process p_silence
    -- by default all of them are zero
    for i in 0 to 15 loop
--          CoreInxD(i)       others => '0');
          CoreMsgLenxD(i)   <= (others => '0');
          CoreInWrEnxS(i)   <= '0';
          CoreFinBlockxS(i) <= '0';
          CoreClkEnxS(i)    <= '0';
          CoreScanInxT(i)   <= '0';
        end loop;  -- i
     -- only the chosen algorithm keeps the actual message
--     CoreInxD(IntAlgSelxS)       InxD;
     CoreMsgLenxD(IntAlgSelxS)   <= MsgLenxD;
     CoreInWrEnxS(IntAlgSelxS)   <= InWrEnxS;
     CoreFinBlockxS(IntAlgSelxS) <= FinBlockxS;
     CoreScanInxT(IntAlgSelxS)   <= CoreScanInxTI;  -- only one block 
     -- We will use the funcscan input to initialize the LFSR and the input reg
     -- as well as reading out the output register. During this time, the cores
     -- should not do anything, we will simply disable them

     -- CoreScanEn FuncScanEn CoreClk(Alg) Description
     --    0           0          1        Normal operation
     --    0           1          0        Load/Unload functional registers
     --    1           0          1        Scan core only (test scan chain)
     --    1           1          1        Scan test mode, all registers scan
     if (FuncScanEnxTI = '0') or (CoreScanEnxTI ='1') then  
       CoreClkEnxS(IntAlgSelxS)    <= '1';  -- enable of only one block
     end if;
    end process p_silence;

-- we need a separate process for the inputs. The algorithms are distributed
-- to the different registers in the inputblock. So every register drives four
-- algorithms.
-- InxD 1088 bit : SHA2 and KECCAK
-- In2xD 512 bit : BLAKE and GROESTL
-- In3xD 512 bit : JH and SKEIN
-- In4xD  64 bit : DUMMY and RAM
    p_datain : process (InxD, In2xD, In3xD, In4xD, AlgSelxSI)
    begin  -- process p_datain
      -- defaults are all silent 
      Core0InxD  <= (others => '0');
      Core1InxD  <= (others => '0');
      Core2InxD  <= (others => '0');
      Core3InxD  <= (others => '0');
      Core4InxD  <= (others => '0');
      Core5InxD  <= (others => '0');
      Core6InxD  <= (others => '0');
      Core7InxD  <= (others => '0');
      Core8InxD  <= (others => '0');
      Core9InxD  <= (others => '0');
      Core10InxD <= (others => '0');
      Core11InxD <= (others => '0');
      Core12InxD <= (others => '0');
      Core13InxD <= (others => '0');
      Core14InxD <= (others => '0');
      Core15InxD <= (others => '0');
      case AlgSelxSI is
        when ETHZSHA2    => Core0InxD  <= InxD(511 downto 0);
        when ETHZBLAKE   => Core1InxD  <= In2xD;
        when ETHZGROESTL => Core2InxD  <= In2xD;
        when ETHZJH      => Core3InxD  <= In3xD;
        when ETHZKECCAK  => Core4InxD  <= InxD;
        when ETHZSKEIN   => Core5InxD  <= In3xD;
        when RAM1        => Core6InxD  <= In4xD(31 downto 0);
        when RAM2        => Core7InxD  <= In4xD(31 downto 0);
        when GMUSHA2     => Core8InxD  <= InxD(511 downto 0);
        when GMUBLAKE    => Core9InxD  <= In2xD;
        when GMUGROESTL  => Core10InxD <= In2xD;
        when GMUJH       => Core11InxD <= In3xD;
        when GMUKECCAK   => Core12InxD <= InxD;
        when GMUSKEIN    => Core13InxD <= In3xD;
        when RAM3        => Core14InxD <= In4xD(31 downto 0);
        when others      => Core15InxD <= In4xD;
      end case;
    end process p_datain;

-- The clock gates, instantiate 16 clock gates
  gen_clock_gates: for i in 0 to 15 generate
                  i_clockgate: clockgate
                               port map ( ClkInxCI  => ClkxC,
                                          EnxSI     => CoreClkEnxS(i),
                                          ClkOutxCO => CoreClkxC(i) );
  end generate gen_clock_gates;

-- Output Register

  p_outreg: process (OutRegxDP, FuncScanEnxTI, InBlockScanOutxT, SelOutWrEnxS, CoreOutxD, IntAlgSelxS)
  begin  -- process p_outreg
    OutRegxDN <= OutRegxDP;             -- default
    if FuncScanEnxTI ='1' then
      OutRegxDN <= OutRegxDP(254 downto 0) & InBlockScanOutxT;                  
      if SelOutWrEnxS ='1' then         -- If core has new data
        OutRegxDN <= CoreOutxD(IntAlgSelxS);
      end if;
    end if;
  end process p_outreg;

-- Select the output control signals
 SelOutWrEnxS     <= CoreOutWrEnxS(IntAlgSelxS);
 SelPenUltCyclexS <= CorePenUltCyclexS(IntAlgSelxS);
 SelInWrEnxS      <= CoreInWrEnxS(IntAlgSelxS);
-- next states of internal signals that will be registered
  OutWrEnxSN     <= SelOutWrEnxS;
  PenUltCyclexSN <= SelPenUltCyclexS;
  InWrEnxSN      <= InWrEnxS;

-- outputs of internal signal that are registered
-- during scan it is multiplexed
  OutWrEnxSO     <= OutWrEnxSP when CoreScanEnxTI = '0' else CoreScanOutxT(IntAlgSelxS);
--  CoreScanOutxTO CoreScanOutxT(IntAlgSelxS);  -- select one of cores
  PenUltCyclexSO <= PenUltCyclexSP;
  InWrEnxSO      <= InWrEnxSP  when FuncScanEnxTI = '0' else OutRegxDP(255);
--  FuncScanOutxTO OutRegxDP(255);     -- manual scan chain

-- Output Multiplexer

with OutSelxSI select
  DataOutxDO <=  OutRegxDP( 15 downto   0) when "0000",
                 OutRegxDP( 31 downto  16) when "0001",
                 OutRegxDP( 47 downto  32) when "0010",
                 OutRegxDP( 63 downto  48) when "0011",
                 OutRegxDP( 79 downto  64) when "0100",
                 OutRegxDP( 95 downto  80) when "0101",
                 OutRegxDP(111 downto  96) when "0110",
                 OutRegxDP(127 downto 112) when "0111",
                 OutRegxDP(143 downto 128) when "1000",
                 OutRegxDP(159 downto 144) when "1001",
                 OutRegxDP(175 downto 160) when "1010",
                 OutRegxDP(191 downto 176) when "1011",
                 OutRegxDP(207 downto 192) when "1100",
                 OutRegxDP(223 downto 208) when "1101",
                 OutRegxDP(239 downto 224) when "1110",
                 OutRegxDP(255 downto 240) when others;

-- Clocked process

   p_clk : process (ClkxC, RstxRBI)
     begin  -- process p_clk
       if RstxRBI = '0' then            -- asynchronous reset (active low)
         OutRegxDP      <= (others => '0');
         OutWrEnxSP     <= '0';
         PenUltCyclexSP <= '0';
         InWrEnxSP      <= '0';
       elsif ClkxC'event and ClkxC = '1' then  -- rising clock edge
         OutRegxDP      <= OutRegxDN;
         OutWrEnxSP     <= OutWrEnxSN;
         PenUltCyclexSP <= PenUltCyclexSN;
         InWrEnxSP      <= InWrEnxSN;
       end if;
     end process p_clk;

-- Instantiate all the cores here
-- use the ./scripts/all_instantiations.pl to generate the bulk
-- it won't work perfectly ETHZ_Blake and ETHZ_SHA2 have some additional problems
-- there will be still three RAM instances which will fit in here
-- ethz_sha2 - IntAlgSelxS == 0
-- Funny connections FirstBlockxSI ReadyxSO
  i_ethz_sha2 : ethz_sha2
               port map (ClkxCI          => CoreClkxC(0),
                          ScanInxTI      => CoreScanInxT(0),
                          ScanEnxTI      => CoreScanEnxTI,
                          ScanOutxTO     => CoreScanOutxT(0),
                          InWrEnxSI      => CoreInWrEnxS(0),
                          OutWrEnxSO     => CoreOutWrEnxS(0),
                          HOutxDO        => CoreOutxD(0),
                          FinBlockxSI    => CoreFinBlockxS(0),
                          PenUltCyclexSO => CorePenUltCyclexS(0),
                          TextInxDI      => Core0InxD,
                          RstxRBI        => RstxRBI);
-- ethz_blake - IntAlgSelxS == 1
-- weird renaming 
ETHZBlakeMsgLenxD <= CoreMsgLenxD(1)(31 downto 0) & CoreMsgLenxD(1)(63 downto 32);
     i_ethz_blake : ethz_blake
               port map (ClkxCI          => CoreClkxC(1),
                          ScanInxTI      => CoreScanInxT(1),
                          ScanEnxTI      => CoreScanEnxTI,
                          ScanOutxTO     => CoreScanOutxT(1),
                          InWrEnxSI      => CoreInWrEnxS(1),
                          OutWrEnxSO     => CoreOutWrEnxS(1),
                          HxDO           => CoreOutxD(1),
                          FinBlockxSI    => CoreFinBlockxS(1),
                          PenUltCyclexSO => CorePenUltCyclexS(1),
                          MxDI           => Core1InxD,
                          SxDI           => ALLZEROES(127 downto 0),
                          MsgLenxDI      => ETHZBlakeMsgLenxD,
                          RstxRBI        => RstxRBI);
-- ethz_groestl - IntAlgSelxS == 2
  i_ethz_groestl : ethz_groestl
               port map (ClkxCI          => CoreClkxC(2),
                          ScanInxTI      => CoreScanInxT(2),
                          ScanEnxTI      => CoreScanEnxTI,
                          ScanOutxTO     => CoreScanOutxT(2),
                          InWrEnxSI      => CoreInWrEnxS(2),
                          OutWrEnxSO     => CoreOutWrEnxS(2),
                          HashOutxDO     => CoreOutxD(2),
                          FinBlockxSI    => CoreFinBlockxS(2),
                          PenUltCyclexSO => CorePenUltCyclexS(2),
                          MsgInxDI       => Core2InxD,
                          RstxRBI        => RstxRBI);
-- ethz_jh - IntAlgSelxS == 3
  i_ethz_jh : ethz_jh
               port map (ClkxCI          => CoreClkxC(3),
                          ScanInxTI      => CoreScanInxT(3),
                          ScanEnxTI      => CoreScanEnxTI,
                          ScanOutxTO     => CoreScanOutxT(3),
                          InWrEnxSI      => CoreInWrEnxS(3),
                          OutWrEnxSO     => CoreOutWrEnxS(3),
                          HashOutxDO     => CoreOutxD(3),
                          FinBlockxSI    => CoreFinBlockxS(3),
                          PenUltCyclexSO => CorePenUltCyclexS(3),
                          MsgInxDI       => Core3InxD,
                          RstxRBI        => RstxRBI);
-- ethz_keccak - IntAlgSelxS == 4
  i_ethz_keccak : ethz_keccak
               port map (ClkxCI          => CoreClkxC(4),
                          ScanInxTI      => CoreScanInxT(4),
                          ScanEnxTI      => CoreScanEnxTI,
                          ScanOutxTO     => CoreScanOutxT(4),
                          InWrEnxSI      => CoreInWrEnxS(4),
                          OutWrEnxSO     => CoreOutWrEnxS(4),
                          DxDO           => CoreOutxD(4),
                          FinBlockxSI    => CoreFinBlockxS(4),
                          PenUltCyclexSO => CorePenUltCyclexS(4),
                          DxDI           => Core4InxD,
                          RstxRBI        => RstxRBI);
-- ethz_skein - IntAlgSelxS == 5
  i_ethz_skein : ethz_skein
               port map (ClkxCI          => CoreClkxC(5),
                          ScanInxTI      => CoreScanInxT(5),
                          ScanEnxTI      => CoreScanEnxTI,
                          ScanOutxTO     => CoreScanOutxT(5),
                          InWrEnxSI      => CoreInWrEnxS(5),
                          OutWrEnxSO     => CoreOutWrEnxS(5),
                          HashxDO        => CoreOutxD(5),
                          FinBlockxSI    => CoreFinBlockxS(5),
                          PenUltCyclexSO => CorePenUltCyclexS(5),
                          BlockxDI       => Core5InxD,
                          MsgLenxDI      => CoreMsgLenxD(5),
                          RstxRBI        => RstxRBI);
-- RAM1:  - IntAlgSelxS == 6
    i_RAM1 : SYKA65_2048X32X1CM8
       port map (
         DO   => RAM1OutxD,
         A    => CoreMsgLenxD(6)(10 downto 0),
         DI   => RAM1InxD,
         WEB  => MemWrEnxSBI,
         DVSE => ZeroxD,                -- disable DVS
         DVS  => DVSxD,                 -- All zeroes 
         CK   => CoreClkxC(6),
         CSB  => ZeroxD);               -- chip select active low
         -- RAM input is random (taken from LFSR) when OutSelxSI(3) is zero
         -- or it is the address when OutSelxSI(3) is one
         -- Since the output is copied to 256 bits, the OutSelxSI has no
         -- effect on the RAM
         RAM1InxD <= Core6InxD when OutSelxSI(3) = '0' else
                     CoreMsgLenxD(6)(31 downto 0);
         -- RAM Output is copied to 256 bits 
         CoreOutxD(6)(31 downto 0)    <= RAM1OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(6)(63 downto 32)   <= RAM1OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(6)(95 downto 64)   <= RAM1OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(6)(127 downto 96)  <= RAM1OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(6)(159 downto 128) <= RAM1OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(6)(191 downto 160) <= RAM1OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(6)(223 downto 192) <= RAM1OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(6)(255 downto 224) <= RAM1OutxD;
         CorePenUltCyclexS(6) <= '1';
         CoreOutWrEnxS(6) <= '1';
-- RAM2:  - IntAlgSelxS == 7
    i_RAM2 : SHKA65_2048X32X1CM4
       port map (
         DO   => RAM2OutxD,
         A    => CoreMsgLenxD(7)(10 downto 0),
         DI   => RAM2InxD,
         WEB  => MemWrEnxSBI,
         DVSE => ZeroxD,                -- disable DVS
         DVS  => DVSxD(2 downto 0),     -- All zeroes 
         CK   => CoreClkxC(7),
         CSB  => ZeroxD);               -- chip select active low
         -- RAM input is random (taken from LFSR) when OutSelxSI(3) is zero
         -- or it is the address when OutSelxSI(3) is one
         -- Since the output is copied to 256 bits, the OutSelxSI has no
         -- effect on the RAM
         RAM2InxD <= Core7InxD when OutSelxSI(3) = '0' else
                     CoreMsgLenxD(7)(31 downto 0);
         -- RAM Output is copied to 256 bits 
         CoreOutxD(7)(31 downto 0)    <= RAM2OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(7)(63 downto 32)   <= RAM2OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(7)(95 downto 64)   <= RAM2OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(7)(127 downto 96)  <= RAM2OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(7)(159 downto 128) <= RAM2OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(7)(191 downto 160) <= RAM2OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(7)(223 downto 192) <= RAM2OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(7)(255 downto 224) <= RAM2OutxD;
         CorePenUltCyclexS(7) <= '1';
         CoreOutWrEnxS(7) <= '1';
-- gmu_sha2 - IntAlgSelxS == 8
  i_gmu_sha2 : gmu_sha2_top
               port map (ClkxCI          => CoreClkxC(8),
                          ScanInxTI      => CoreScanInxT(8),
                          ScanEnxTI      => CoreScanEnxTI,
                          ScanOutxTO     => CoreScanOutxT(8),
                          InWrEnxSI      => CoreInWrEnxS(8),
                          OutWrEnxSO     => CoreOutWrEnxS(8),
                          DataxDO        => CoreOutxD(8),
                          FinBlockxSI    => CoreFinBlockxS(8),
                          PenUltCyclexSO => CorePenUltCyclexS(8),
                          DataxDI        => Core8InxD,
                          RstxRBI        => RstxRBI);
-- gmu_blake - IntAlgSelxS == 9
  i_gmu_blake : gmu_blake_top
               port map (ClkxCI          => CoreClkxC(9),
                          ScanInxTI      => CoreScanInxT(9),
                          ScanEnxTI      => CoreScanEnxTI,
                          ScanOutxTO     => CoreScanOutxT(9),
                          InEnxSI        => CoreInWrEnxS(9),
                          OutEnxSO       => CoreOutWrEnxS(9),
                          DataxDO        => CoreOutxD(9),
                          FinBlockxSI    => CoreFinBlockxS(9),
                          PenUltCyclexSO => CorePenUltCyclexS(9),
                          DataxDI        => Core9InxD,
                          MsgLenxDI      => CoreMsgLenxD(9),
                          RstxRBI        => RstxRBI);
-- gmu_groestl - IntAlgSelxS == 10
  i_gmu_groestl : gmu_groestl_top
               port map (ClkxCI          => CoreClkxC(10),
                          ScanInxTI      => CoreScanInxT(10),
                          ScanEnxTI      => CoreScanEnxTI,
                          ScanOutxTO     => CoreScanOutxT(10),
                          InEnxSI        => CoreInWrEnxS(10),
                          OutEnxSO       => CoreOutWrEnxS(10),
                          DataxDO        => CoreOutxD(10),
                          FinBlockxSI    => CoreFinBlockxS(10),
                          PenUltCyclexSO => CorePenUltCyclexS(10),
                          DataxDI        => Core10InxD,
                          RstxRBI        => RstxRBI);
-- gmu_jh - IntAlgSelxS == 11
  i_gmu_jh : gmu_jh_top
               port map (ClkxCI          => CoreClkxC(11),
                          ScanInxTI      => CoreScanInxT(11),
                          ScanEnxTI      => CoreScanEnxTI,
                          ScanOutxTO     => CoreScanOutxT(11),
                          InEnxSI        => CoreInWrEnxS(11),
                          OutEnxSO       => CoreOutWrEnxS(11),
                          DataxDO        => CoreOutxD(11),
                          FinBlockxSI    => CoreFinBlockxS(11),
                          PenUltCyclexSO => CorePenUltCyclexS(11),
                          DataxDI        => Core11InxD,
                          RstxRBI        => RstxRBI);
-- gmu_keccak - IntAlgSelxS == 12
  i_gmu_keccak : gmu_keccak_top
               port map (ClkxCI          => CoreClkxC(12),
                          ScanInxTI      => CoreScanInxT(12),
                          ScanEnxTI      => CoreScanEnxTI,
                          ScanOutxTO     => CoreScanOutxT(12),
                          InEnxSI        => CoreInWrEnxS(12),
                          OutEnxSO       => CoreOutWrEnxS(12),
                          DataxDO        => CoreOutxD(12),
                          FinBlockxSI    => CoreFinBlockxS(12),
                          PenUltCyclexSO => CorePenUltCyclexS(12),
                          DataxDI        => Core12InxD,
                          RstxRBI        => RstxRBI);
-- gmu_skein - IntAlgSelxS == 13
  i_gmu_skein : gmu_skein_top
               port map (ClkxCI          => CoreClkxC(13),
                          ScanInxTI      => CoreScanInxT(13),
                          ScanEnxTI      => CoreScanEnxTI,
                          ScanOutxTO     => CoreScanOutxT(13),
                          InEnxSI        => CoreInWrEnxS(13),
                          OutEnxSO       => CoreOutWrEnxS(13),
                          DataxDO        => CoreOutxD(13),
                          FinBlockxSI    => CoreFinBlockxS(13),
                          PenUltCyclexSO => CorePenUltCyclexS(13),
                          DataxDI        => Core13InxD,
                          MsgLenxDI      => CoreMsgLenxD(13),
                          RstxRBI        => RstxRBI);
-- RAM3:  - IntAlgSelxS == 14
    i_RAM3 : SHKA65_16384X32X1CM16
       port map (
         DO   => RAM3OutxD,
         A    => CoreMsgLenxD(14)(13 downto 0),
         DI   => RAM3InxD,
         WEB  => MemWrEnxSBI,
         DVSE => ZeroxD,                -- disable DVS
         DVS  => DVSxD(2 downto 0),     -- All zeroes 
         CK   => CoreClkxC(14),
         CSB  => ZeroxD);               -- chip select active low
         -- RAM input is random (taken from LFSR) when OutSelxSI(3) is zero
         -- or it is the address when OutSelxSI(3) is one
         -- Since the output is copied to 256 bits, the OutSelxSI has no
         -- effect on the RAM
         RAM3InxD <= Core14InxD when OutSelxSI(3) = '0' else
                     CoreMsgLenxD(14)(31 downto 0);
         -- RAM Output is copied to 256 bits 
         CoreOutxD(14)(31 downto 0)    <= RAM3OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(14)(63 downto 32)   <= RAM3OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(14)(95 downto 64)   <= RAM3OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(14)(127 downto 96)  <= RAM3OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(14)(159 downto 128) <= RAM3OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(14)(191 downto 160) <= RAM3OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(14)(223 downto 192) <= RAM3OutxD;
         CoreOutxD(14)(255 downto 224) <= RAM3OutxD;
         CorePenUltCyclexS(14) <= '1';
         CoreOutWrEnxS(14) <= '1';
-- Dummy  - IntAlgSelxS == 15
    -- This should copy all inpouts to its outputs, and still allow the
    -- input block to supply him with data
            CoreScanOutxT(15)            <= CoreScanInxT(15);  -- scan is through
            CoreOutWrEnxS(15)            <= CoreInWrEnxS(15);  -- Write enable is through
            CoreOutxD(15)(63 downto 0)   <= Core15InxD;  -- 64 bit
            CoreOutxD(15)(255 downto 64) <= (others => '0');  -- rest is zero
            CorePenUltCyclexS(15)        <= '1';  -- always last cycle
end rtl;

Generated on Tue Nov 22 15:16:34 CET 2011