-- Copyright: 2011 Integrated Sytems Laboratory, ETH Zurich
--            http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~sha3
-- Title      : Testbench for design "shabziger_chip"
-- Project    : Shabziger
-- File       : shabziger_chip_tb.vhd
-- Author     : Frank K. Guerkaynak  
-- Company    : Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH Zurich
-- Created    : 2011-08-29
-- Last update: 2011-09-23
-- Platform   : ModelSim (simulation), Synopsys (synthesis)
-- Standard   : VHDL'87
-- Description: Simpleset test 
-- Copyright (c) 2011 Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH Zurich
-- Revisions  :
-- Date        Version  Author  Description
-- 2011-08-29  1.0      kgf	Created
-- 2011-09-01  1.1      kgf     Now reads integers from the config file
--                              Also initializes the LFSR from the testbench
-- 2011-09-21  1.2      kgf     Enabled the pad outputs, removed unused FuncScanOutxT
-- 2011-09-23  1.3      kgf     Added a little bit of time to the stim appl
--                              time, so that the output delay does not exceed
--                              the stim appl time. This makes the code
--                              simpler. The for loop has also changed to a
--                              while loop as the variable is then visible in
--                              Modelsim for debugging.

-- To DO

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.shabzigerpkg.all;
use work.simulstuff.all;
use std.textio.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;


entity shabziger_chip_tb is

end shabziger_chip_tb;


architecture test of shabziger_chip_tb is

  component shabziger_chip
    port (
      AlgSelxSI      : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      OutSelxSI      : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      DataOutxDO     : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
      FinBlockxSI    : in  std_logic;
      OutWrEnxSO     : out std_logic;
      InWrEnxSO      : out std_logic;
      PenUltCyclexSO : out std_logic;
      MemWrEnxSBI    : in  std_logic;
      PadOutEnxSI    : in  std_logic;
      PadDrive1xSI   : in  std_logic;
      PadDrive2xSI   : in  std_logic;
      PadSlewxSI     : in  std_logic;
      FuncScanEnxTI  : in  std_logic;
      FuncScanInxTI  : in  std_logic;
      CoreScanEnxTI  : in  std_logic;
      CoreScanInxTI  : in  std_logic;
      ClkxCI         : in  std_logic;
      ClkDxCI        : in  std_logic;
      RstxRBI        : in  std_logic);
  end component;

  -- The configuration file 
  file configfile : text;
  constant configfilename : string := "../simvectors/config.txt";

  -- These signals willbe overwritten by the values read from the
  -- configfile . 
    -- how many input blocks will be processed in the simulation 
    signal NUMBLOCKS   : integer                      := 256;
    -- 1/PROBABILITY will generate a FinBlockxSI signal 
    signal PROBABILITY : integer                      := 10; 

   -- declarations of signals that do help coordinate testbench processes
   signal SIMPROGRESS : ResolveTrafficLight trafficlight := orange;
   -- timing of clock and simulation events
   constant clkphasehigh: time:= 10 ns;
   constant clkphaselow: time:= 10 ns;
   constant responseacquisitiontime: time:= 15 ns;
   constant stimulusapplicationtime: time:= 10 ns;  -- penultcyclexS comes
                                                    -- pretty late so we have
                                                    -- to delay this one a bit
   constant resetactivetime:         time:= 5 ns;

  -- component ports
  signal AlgSelxS      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal OutSelxS      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal DataOutxD     : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal FinBlockxS    : std_logic;
  signal OutWrEnxS     : std_logic;
  signal InWrEnxS      : std_logic;
  signal PenUltCyclexS : std_logic;
  signal MemWrEnxSB    : std_logic;
  signal PadOutEnxS    : std_logic;
  signal PadDrive1xS   : std_logic;
  signal PadDrive2xS   : std_logic;
  signal PadSlewxS     : std_logic;
  signal FuncScanEnxT  : std_logic;
  signal FuncScanInxT  : std_logic;
  signal CoreScanEnxT  : std_logic;
  signal CoreScanInxT  : std_logic;
  signal RstxRB        : std_logic;

  -- clock
  signal ClkxC : std_logic := '1';
  signal ClkDxC : std_logic := '0';     -- wll be set to zero 
begin  -- test

  -- component instantiation
  DUT : shabziger_chip
    port map (
      AlgSelxSI      => AlgSelxS,
      OutSelxSI      => OutSelxS,
      DataOutxDO     => DataOutxD,
      FinBlockxSI    => FinBlockxS,
      OutWrEnxSO     => OutWrEnxS,
      InWrEnxSO      => InWrEnxS,
      PenUltCyclexSO => PenUltCyclexS,
      MemWrEnxSBI    => MemWrEnxSB,
      PadOutEnxSI    => PadOutEnxS,
      PadDrive1xSI   => PadDrive1xS,
      PadDrive2xSI   => PadDrive2xS,
      PadSlewxSI     => PadSlewxS,
      FuncScanEnxTI  => FuncScanEnxT,
      FuncScanInxTI  => FuncScanInxT,
      CoreScanEnxTI  => CoreScanEnxT,
      CoreScanInxTI  => CoreScanInxT,
      ClkxCI         => ClkxC,
      ClkDxCI        => ClkDxC,
      RstxRBI        => RstxRB);

  -- clock generation
   Tb_clkgen : process
      case SIMPROGRESS is
         -- if orange then wait for start sign
         when orange => wait until SIMPROGRESS=green;
         -- if green then proceed with yet another clock period
         when green => null;
         when green2 => null;
         -- if yellow (neither red nor any other color should occur here) 
         -- then terminate
         when others => SIMPROGRESS <= red; wait; -- forever
      end case;
      CLKxC <= '1';
      wait for clkphasehigh;
      CLKxC <= '0';
      wait for clkphaselow;
   end process Tb_clkgen;

  -- waveform generation
  WaveGen_Proc : process
    variable rand                 : integer;  -- random variable
    variable state1, state2       : integer                            := 77;  -- stolen from luethi
    variable in_line, in_line_tmp : line;
    variable status               : file_open_status;
    variable f_alg                : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)       := "0000";
    variable f_blocks             : integer;
    variable f_prob               : integer;
    variable f_lfsrinit           : std_logic_vector(LFSRLEN downto 0) := (others => '1');
    variable count                : integer                            := 0;  -- This will count the vectors
-- Configure the system 
      -- open files for config
      assert status=open_ok
         report FileOpenMessage(configfilename,status) severity failure;      
         -- copy line read to enable meaningful error messages later
         in_line_tmp := new string'(in_line(in_line'low to in_line'high));
         if in_line_tmp'length >= 1 then
            exit when in_line_tmp(1) /= '%';
         end if;
      end loop;
      -- extract all values of a record of stimuli
      -- these are std_logic_vector because I was lazy to add integer
      -- versions in the simulstuff
      -- deallocate line copy now that all entries have been read
      -- convert the variables to the actual signals used
      AlgSelxS  <= f_alg;
--      NUMBLOCKS <= to_integer(unsigned(f_blocks));
--      PROBABILITY <= to_integer(unsigned(f_prob));
      NUMBLOCKS <= f_blocks;
      PROBABILITY <= f_prob;

-- INITIAL values
    -- give start sign to other processes
  SIMPROGRESS  <= green;
    -- insert signal assignments here
  ClkDxC       <= '0';                  -- permenantly zero
  OutSelxS     <= "0000";
    -- these will remain the same throughout this test
  FinBlockxS   <= '1';
  MemWrEnxSB   <= '1';
  PadOutEnxS   <= '1';                  -- pad outputs are enabled
  PadDrive1xS  <= '0';                  -- some drive setting
  PadDrive2xS  <= '1';                  -- some drive setting
  PadSlewxS    <= '0';
  FuncScanInxT <= '0';
  FuncScanEnxT <= '1';                  -- prevent glitches
  CoreScanInxT <= '0';
  CoreScanEnxT <= '0';
  RstxRB       <= '0';


  wait until ClkxC'event and ClkxC ='1';
  wait for resetactivetime;
  RstxRB       <= '1';

  FuncScanEnxT <= '1';                  -- configure the cores to scan
  wait until ClkxC'event and ClkxC ='1';  -- wait for clk

  lfsr_loop: for i in 0 to LFSRLEN loop  -- LFSRLEN times
     wait for stimulusapplicationtime;
     FuncScanInxT <= f_lfsrinit(i);
     wait until ClkxC'event and ClkxC ='1';
  end loop lfsr_loop;    

  wait for stimulusapplicationtime;
  FuncScanEnxT <= '0';                  -- Disable func scan
  wait for responseacquisitiontime;     -- we should be ready


  while count < NUMBLOCKS loop
  -- we want to catch a few cases
  -- cnt_loop: for i in 1 to NUMBLOCKS loop

    done_loop : while PenUltCyclexS = '0' loop
          wait until ClkxC'event and ClkxC='1';
          wait for responseacquisitiontime;
        end loop done_loop;

    -- Due to I/O requirements, the PenUltCyclexS signal is
    -- registered in shabziger. This means that the moment we see
    -- the signal, the core is already in the cycle where it samples the value
    -- of FinBlockxS. As a result, the Change here will not effect the current
    -- block but the next one that we will be issuing

    -- next cycle
    wait until ClkxC'event and ClkxC='1';
    wait for stimulusapplicationtime;
    -- let us have a 1/PROBABILITY chance of making the next blockthe last block
    GenerateRandomInteger(1, PROBABILITY, state1, state2, rand);
    if rand /= 1 then
       FinBlockxS <= '0';
       FinBlockxS <= '1';
    end if;

--  end loop cnt_loop;                    --i
  count := count + 1;                           -- increment i
  end loop;                             -- while

  SIMPROGRESS <= red;                   -- stop other processes
  wait;                                 -- wait for ever


  end process WaveGen_Proc;


end test;

Generated on Tue Nov 22 15:16:34 CET 2011