-- Copyright: 2010 Integrated Sytems Laboratory, ETH Zurich
--            http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~sha3
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.shavitepkg.all;

entity c256 is

  port (
    ClkxCI     : in  std_logic;
    RstxRBI    : in  std_logic;
    DataBlkxDI : in  wordmat512;
    BitCntxDI  : in  wordmat64;
    InputEnxEI : in  std_logic;
    LxDI       : in  wordmat128;
    RxDI       : in  wordmat128;
    LxDO       : out wordmat128;
    RxDO       : out wordmat128);

end c256;

architecture rtl of c256 is

  component expansion
    port (
      ClkxCI     : in  std_logic;
      RstxRBI    : in  std_logic;
      InputEnxEI : in  std_logic;
      DataBlkxDI : in  wordmat512;
      BitCntxDI  : in  wordmat64;
      SubKeyxDO  : out wordmat128);
  end component;

  component f3
    port (
      ClkxCI     : in  std_logic;
      RstxRBI    : in  std_logic;
      InputEnxEI : in  std_logic;
      DataxDI    : in  wordmat128;
      SubKeyxDI  : in  wordmat128;
      OutxDO     : out wordmat128);
  end component;

  signal SubKeyxD               : wordmat128;
  signal F3inxD, F3outxD        : wordmat128;
  signal LxDP, LxDN, RxDP, RxDN : wordmat128;
  signal RoundxDN, RoundxDP     : unsigned(5 downto 0);

begin  -- rtl

  u_expansion : expansion
    port map (
      ClkxCI     => ClkxCI,
      RstxRBI    => RstxRBI,
      InputEnxEI => InputEnxEI,
      DataBlkxDI => DataBlkxDI,
      BitCntxDI  => BitCntxDI,
      SubKeyxDO  => SubKeyxD);

  u_f3 : f3
    port map (
      ClkxCI     => ClkxCI,
      RstxRBI    => RstxRBI,
      InputEnxEI => InputEnxEI,
      DataxDI    => F3inxD,
      SubKeyxDI  => SubKeyxD,
      OutxDO     => F3outxD);

  LxDO <= LxDN;
  RxDO <= RxDN;

  -- purpose: Controls the data flow to calculate 12 rounds of F3
  -- type   : combinational
  -- inputs : LxDP, RxDP, LxDI, RxDI, F3outxD, RoundxDP, InputEnxEI
  -- outputs: LxDN, RxDN, F3inxD, RoundxDN
  p_fsm : process (LxDP, RxDP, LxDI, RxDI, F3outxD, RoundxDP, InputEnxEI)
  begin  -- process p_fsm
    RoundxDN <= RoundxDP+1;
    if to_integer(RoundxDP) = 35 or (InputEnxEI = '0' and to_integer(RoundxDP) = 0) then
      RoundxDN <= (others => '0');
    end if;

    if to_integer(RoundxDP) = 0 then           -- start of initial F3 round
      F3inxD <= RxDI;
      LxDN <= LxDI;
      RxDN <= RxDI;
    elsif to_integer(RoundxDP) mod 3 = 2 then  -- cycles 2, 5, 8, ...: end of F3 round
      for i in 3 downto 0 loop
        RxDN(i) <= F3outxD(i) xor LxDP(i);
      end loop;  -- i
      F3inxD <= RxDP;
      LxDN <= RxDP;
      -- wait
      F3inxD <= RxDP; -- cycles 3, 6, 9, ...: start of F3 round
      LxDN   <= LxDP;
      RxDN   <= RxDP;
    end if;

  end process p_fsm;

  p_mem : process (ClkxCI, RstxRBI)
  begin  -- process p_mem
    if RstxRBI = '0' then               -- asynchronous reset (active low)
      LxDP     <= (others => (others => '0'));
      RxDP     <= (others => (others => '0'));
      RoundxDP <= (others => '0');
    elsif ClkxCI'event and ClkxCI = '1' then  -- rising clock edge
      LxDP     <= LxDN;
      RxDP     <= RxDN;
      RoundxDP <= RoundxDN;
    end if;
  end process p_mem;

end rtl;

Generated on Fri Sep 24 10:39:12 CEST 2010