## Copyright: 2010 Integrated Sytems Laboratory, ETH Zurich
##            http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~sha3
# export all relevant design data

# is the design name specified ???
if { [ info exists DESIGNNAME ] } {

} else {
    set NAME "final"


# This is the default behaviour, RC will be extracted using
# internal velocity engine
setExtractRCMode -engine detail -coupled false -reduce 0.0

# This is a more detailed extraction, it uses the QRC engine 
# that takes longer and is more accurate. However, for 
# small designs (i.e. mini@sic) the difference is less
# than 1% - bm Jan 2010
#runQRC -layerMapping tech/lefdef-gds.qrc.layermap -grayData gds -rcType decoupledRc -extraConfig scripts/qrc.extra.cmd

rcOut -spef out/${NAME}.spef.gz

# timing
setAnalysisMode -checkType setup

#Write out SDF
delayCal -sdf out/${NAME}.sdf.gz

#NOTE: If you use memory devices sometimes statements like
#      the following will be written to the SDF
#      (PERIOD (negedge CKB)
#      This will give you problems during backannotation.
#      This will definetely happen if you use the two-port
#      Memories (SZxx). Use the fix_sdf.pl file to get
#      rid of these lines.

# write_sdf is better, does not need the perl script, but..
# at the moment we have problems with typical values.
#write_sdf -precision 4 -min_period_edges posedge -remashold out/${NAME}.sdf.gz

# This netlist contains all filler cells and everything.
# this can be used for LVS and for simulation 
saveNetlist out/${NAME}.v -excludeLeafCell -includePhysicalInst

# layout
setStreamOutMode -SEvianames ON -specifyViaName %t_VIA

# you can set an alternative top name with -structureName 
# streamOut out/${NAME}.gds.gz -structureName sem01w0 
streamOut out/${NAME}.gds.gz  -mapFile tech/streamOut_noObs.map -outputMacros -merge { \
  /usr/pack/umc-90-kgf/faraday/sp/fsd0a_a/2009Q2v2.0/GENERIC_CORE_1D2V/BackEnd/gdsii/FSD0A_A_GENERIC_CORE.all.gds \
  /usr/pack/umc-90-kgf/faraday/sp/fod0a_b25/2009Q2v3.0/T25_GENERIC_IO/BackEnd/gdsii/FOD0A_B25_T25_GENERIC_IO.8m026.gds \

Generated on Fri Sep 24 10:39:12 CEST 2010