-- Copyright: 2010 Integrated Sytems Laboratory, ETH Zurich
--            http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~sha3
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity skein is

  port (
    ClkxCI            : in  std_logic;
    RstxRBI           : in  std_logic;
    BlockAvailablexSI : in  std_logic;
    FinBlockxSI       : in  std_logic;
    BlockxDI          : in  std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
    HashAvailablexSO  : out std_logic;
    HashxDO           : out std_logic_vector(255 downto 0));

end skein;

architecture rtl of skein is

  component permix
    port (
      MxDI         : in  std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
      PerselectxSI : in  std_logic;
      MxDO         : out std_logic_vector(255 downto 0));
  end component;

  component subkey
    port (
      KxDI       : in  std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
      SxSI       : in  std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
      KenablexSI : in  std_logic;
      KinitxSI   : in  std_logic;
      RstxRBI    : in  std_logic;
      ClkxCI     : in  std_logic;
      TxDI       : in  std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
      KsxDO      : out std_logic_vector(255 downto 0));
  end component;

  component tweak
    port (
      BnxSI    : in  std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
      FirstxSI : in  std_logic;
      FinalxSI : in  std_logic;
      OutxSI   : in  std_logic;
      TxDO     : out std_logic_vector(127 downto 0));
  end component;

  component controller
    port (
      BlockAvailablexSI : in  std_logic;
      ClkxCI            : in  std_logic;
      RstxRBI           : in  std_logic;
      SxSO              : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
      MenablexSO        : out std_logic;
      GselectxSO        : out std_logic;
      PerselectxSO      : out std_logic;
      KenablexSO        : out std_logic;
      BcontrolxSO       : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
      FirstxSO          : out std_logic;
      FinBlockxSI       : in  std_logic;
      OutxSO            : out std_logic;
      KinitxSO          : out std_logic;
      MzeroxSO          : out std_logic;
      HashAvailablexSO  : out std_logic);
  end component;

  signal MxDN, MxDP, GxDN, GxDP, GtxDP, GKxD, PMxD, GXxD, KsxD   : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
  signal BnxSN, BnxSP, BnxS                                      : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
  signal GselectxS, KenablexS, FirstxS, FinalxS, OutxS, MzeroxS  : std_logic;
  signal KinitxS, MenablexS, GenablexS, PerselectxS, FinalFlagxS : std_logic;
  signal BcontrolxS                                              : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
  signal SxS                                                     : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
  signal TxD                                                     : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);

  -- constant IV : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0) := (X"388512680E660046" & X"4B72D5DEC5A8FF01" & X"281A9298CA5EB3A5" & X"54CA5249F46070C4");
begin  -- rtl

  i_controller : controller
    port map (
      BlockAvailablexSI => BlockAvailablexSI,
      ClkxCI            => ClkxCI,
      RstxRBI           => RstxRBI,
      SxSO              => SxS,
      MenablexSO        => MenablexS,
      GselectxSO        => GselectxS,
      PerselectxSO      => PerselectxS,
      KenablexSO        => KenablexS,
      BcontrolxSO       => BcontrolxS,
      FirstxSO          => FirstxS,
      FinBlockxSI       => FinalFlagxS,
      OutxSO            => OutxS,
      KinitxSO          => KinitxS,
      MzeroxSO          => MzeroxS,
      HashAvailablexSO  => HashAvailablexSO);

  i_permix : permix
    port map (
      MxDI         => GKxD,
      PerselectxSI => PerselectxS,
      MxDO         => PMxD);

  i_subkey : subkey
    port map (
      KxDI       => GXxD,
      SxSI       => SxS,
      KenablexSI => KenablexS,
      KinitxSI   => KinitxS,
      RstxRBI    => RstxRBI,
      ClkxCI     => ClkxCI,
      TxDI       => TxD,
      KsxDO      => KsxD);

  i_tweak : tweak
    port map (
      BnxSI    => BnxS,
      FirstxSI => FirstxS,
      FinalxSI => FinBlockxSI,
      OutxSI   => OutxS,
      TxDO     => TxD);

  MxDN <= BlockxDI when MzeroxS = '0'   else (others => '0');
  GxDN <= MxDN     when GselectxS = '0' else PMxD;
  GxDP <= GtxDP    when MzeroxS = '0'   else (others => '0');

  GKxD(255 downto 192) <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(GxDP(255 downto 192)) + unsigned(KsxD(255 downto 192)));
  GKxD(191 downto 128) <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(GxDP(191 downto 128)) + unsigned(KsxD(191 downto 128)));
  GKxD(127 downto 64)  <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(GxDP(127 downto 64)) + unsigned(KsxD(127 downto 64)));
  GKxD(63 downto 0)    <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(GxDP(63 downto 0)) + unsigned(KsxD(63 downto 0)));

  GXxD <= MxDP xor GKxD;
--  GXxD(255 downto 248) MxDP(199 downto 192) xor GKxD(255 downto 248);
--  GXxD(247 downto 240) MxDP(207 downto 200) xor GKxD(247 downto 240);
--  GXxD(239 downto 232) MxDP(215 downto 208) xor GKxD(239 downto 232);
--  GXxD(231 downto 224) MxDP(223 downto 216) xor GKxD(231 downto 224);
--  GXxD(223 downto 216) MxDP(231 downto 224) xor GKxD(223 downto 216);
--  GXxD(215 downto 208) MxDP(239 downto 232) xor GKxD(215 downto 208);
--  GXxD(207 downto 200) MxDP(247 downto 240) xor GKxD(207 downto 200);
--  GXxD(199 downto 192) MxDP(255 downto 248) xor GKxD(199 downto 192);
--  GXxD(191 downto 184) MxDP(135 downto 128) xor GKxD(191 downto 184);
--  GXxD(183 downto 176) MxDP(143 downto 136) xor GKxD(183 downto 176);
--  GXxD(175 downto 168) MxDP(151 downto 144) xor GKxD(175 downto 168);
--  GXxD(167 downto 160) MxDP(159 downto 152) xor GKxD(167 downto 160);
--  GXxD(159 downto 152) MxDP(167 downto 160) xor GKxD(159 downto 152);
--  GXxD(151 downto 144) MxDP(175 downto 168) xor GKxD(151 downto 144);
--  GXxD(143 downto 136) MxDP(183 downto 176) xor GKxD(143 downto 136);
--  GXxD(135 downto 128) MxDP(191 downto 184) xor GKxD(135 downto 128);
--  GXxD(127 downto 120) MxDP(71 downto 64) xor GKxD(127 downto 120);
--  GXxD(119 downto 112) MxDP(79 downto 72) xor GKxD(119 downto 112);
--  GXxD(111 downto 104) MxDP(87 downto 80) xor GKxD(111 downto 104);
--  GXxD(103 downto 96)  MxDP(95 downto 88) xor GKxD(103 downto 96);
--  GXxD(95 downto 88)   MxDP(103 downto 96) xor GKxD(95 downto 88);
--  GXxD(87 downto 80)   MxDP(111 downto 104) xor GKxD(87 downto 80);
--  GXxD(79 downto 72)   MxDP(119 downto 112) xor GKxD(79 downto 72);
--  GXxD(71 downto 64)   MxDP(127 downto 120) xor GKxD(71 downto 64);
--  GXxD(63 downto 56)   MxDP(7 downto 0) xor GKxD(63 downto 56);
--  GXxD(55 downto 48)   MxDP(15 downto 8) xor GKxD(55 downto 48);
--  GXxD(47 downto 40)   MxDP(23 downto 16) xor GKxD(47 downto 40);
--  GXxD(39 downto 32)   MxDP(31 downto 24) xor GKxD(39 downto 32);
--  GXxD(31 downto 24)   MxDP(39 downto 32) xor GKxD(31 downto 24);
--  GXxD(23 downto 16)   MxDP(47 downto 40) xor GKxD(23 downto 16);
--  GXxD(15 downto 8)    MxDP(55 downto 48) xor GKxD(15 downto 8);
--  GXxD(7 downto 0)     MxDP(63 downto 56) xor GKxD(7 downto 0);

  HashxDO <= GXxD;

  -- BnxS Counter

  BnxSN <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(BnxSP) + 32);
  BnxS  <= BnxSP;

  bn_counter : process (ClkxCI, RstxRBI)
  begin  -- process bn_counter
    if RstxRBI = '0' then               -- asynchronous reset (active low)
      BnxSP <= (others => '0');
    elsif ClkxCI'event and ClkxCI = '1' then  -- rising clock edge
      if BcontrolxS = "11" then
        BnxSP <= BnxSP;
      elsif BcontrolxS = "10" then
        BnxSP(95 downto 6) <= (others => '0');
        BnxSP(5 downto 0)  <= "100000";
      elsif BcontrolxS = "01" then
        BnxSP <= BnxSN;
      elsif BcontrolxS = "00" then
        BnxSP(95 downto 6) <= (others => '0');
        BnxSP(5 downto 0)  <= "001000";
        BnxSP <= (others => '0');
      end if;
    end if;
  end process bn_counter;

  -- M-register
  M_mem : process (ClkxCI, RstxRBI)
  begin  -- process M_mem
    if RstxRBI = '0' then               -- asynchronous reset (active low)
      MxDP <= (others => '0');
    elsif ClkxCI'event and ClkxCI = '1' then  -- rising clock edge
      if MEnablexS = '1' then
        MxDP <= MxDN;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process M_mem;

  -- F-register
  F_mem : process (ClkxCI, RstxRBI)
  begin  -- process F_mem
    if RstxRBI = '0' then               -- asynchronous reset (active low)
      FinalFlagxS <= '0';
    elsif ClkxCI'event and ClkxCI = '1' then  -- rising clock edge
      if MEnablexS = '1' then
        FinalFlagxS <= FinBlockxSI;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process F_mem;

  -- G-register
  G_mem : process (ClkxCI, RstxRBI)
  begin  -- process G_mem
    if RstxRBI = '0' then               -- asynchronous reset (active low)
      GtxDP <= (others => '0');
    elsif ClkxCI'event and ClkxCI = '1' then  -- rising clock edge
      GtxDP <= GxDN;
    end if;
  end process G_mem;

end rtl;

Generated on Fri Sep 24 10:39:12 CEST 2010